miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020


The students of 4º of ESO have contributed to raise awareness about environmental issues and they have made these videos with tips to save resources. Have a look and follow their advice!!

The first video is about ecological night routine (by Miriam and Blanca)

The second video is about Zero food waste (by Lorena and Nayara)

The third video is about Reducing and recycling paper (by Dani, Sergio and Juan)

domingo, 5 de abril de 2020


Decoration of Easter Eggs is a very popular practice in UK and USA. Then children compete rolling their eggs down a hill.
Here , in Spain, we don't usually decorate eggs but this year , due to quarantine (COVID-19) some of our students have decided to spend their time decorating eggs.
This is the result, I hope you like them as much as I do.
Thanks to all the students who have contributed!!!

 By Antía Patiño (2ºB)

By Manuel Gónzalez (2ºA) and his brother Rubén

by Sabela Villanueva (1º )

By Simón Seijo (2ºB)

by Vanessa Ambroa (2ºA)