Looking for ideas for Christmas???? If so, have a look at this video in which the students of 3º Eso give suggestions for spending your free time at Christmas. Hope you enjoy it!!!
Father Christmas, Saint Klaus, Papá Noel......many are the names given to Santa around the world and our students of 1ºEso searched on the web for some of them and did this work with the countries, the flags and Santa's names. We all wish Santa brings you a lot of presents and happiness!!!!
After reading a graded reader of Gulliver's Travels the students of 2º Eso have done their own version of the story in a comic strip.It has resulted in a very bright and colourful work. Well done!!!!
Exploring the world must be a hazardous adventure but imagine doing it long time ago!!!! Our students of 3º Eso have read the book "Two explorers:Marco Polo and Roald Amundsen" and then they have kept on searching for some info about other brave explorers , such as: Hernan Cortés, Ferdinand Magellan, etc